Wednesday 9 May 2012


Immigration can be a fairly dull topic in Socials 10 if you stick to the textbook platitudes. Students are supposed to learn about why people were immigrating to the area in the 1800's and how our immigration policy was initially shaped when Canada became a country.

There are two ways to make this more interesting and relevant.
1) Personal immigration stories. When each person in the class shares about how their family immigrated to Canada, it makes for a greater appreciation for the event. I will do another post later about the project I do in class.
2) Curent events and debate. Immigration is always a current issue. In previous years, there have been stories of "boat people" or "disguised old men" to spark discussion of immigration. Currently, the Globe and Mail is running a series on the issue with some ideas for discussion. I haven't read through it all, but looks like there are some good discussion ideas.

I fund that students are generally unaware that Canada allows some immigrants and not others or why.. It generally sparks good classroom discussion.

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