Wednesday 29 February 2012

Glory movie

The Socials 10 curriculum for whatever reason does not mention the American Civil War. I guess the writers do not want a course on Canadian history hijacked by American history. However, the learning outcomes do mention learning "factors leading to confederation", of which the American Civil War is in many ways the most important. Or at least the most interesting...
In the absence of textbook material I have resorted to watching clips from a movie to show images of the American Civil War. This particular movie is my favorite one set in the civil war, and one that has an engaging story as well as a historical feel. There is some pejorative language to avoid, but you can pre-select scenes that will lead to good discussion. It won't teach the students many important historical facts, but it may get them interested and engaged about history.. In fact, it is engaging enough that many students will go home and rent the whole movie.
The movie is available in different formats, so check it out... Glory (Special Edition)

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