Saturday 18 February 2012

Why I enjoy teaching Socials 10

Social Studies 10 is a great course to teach. I like the subject matter, the possible themes, the flexibility, and lack of Provincial exam. I also like that there are no popular events (such as world wars) and not an amazing wealth of quality resources already out there to sift through. It forces me to look harder and be more creative. I do not like the textbook I am provided, as there is very little to fall back on for those days when I am feeling less than organized.

I find it frustrating to look online for resources and spend time trying to recall sites that I remember looking at before. I have decided to become more organized and collect my resources together in one place, specifically focused on Socials 10. Last year, I created a simple website site for my students that has resources for them. Now, I want to try creating a site for sharing with other teachers. Until I do a lot more posting, it is clearly a work in-progress. However, I am hoping this might generate some sharing in return, and maybe even some conversation about teaching and Canadian history.

I like the idea of a blog format that I can update over time, as well as building some static pages to collect resources. I have looked at a few example blogs and liked the format of this one called Social Studies and History Teacher's Blog, but I haven't found any blogs specifically focused on early Canadian history.

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