Tuesday 13 March 2012


Jack Canuck - Welcome to happy homes in the freest land on earth, and may you all live long and prosper!

I like the details included in the background: "Adamzad the Suicide - Shedding his own best blood"

The history of Doukhobors in Canada is very intriguing, but perhaps a little off-topic for Socials 10. It is a chance to talk about an example of immigration from Eastern Europe in general or about the Russian Revolution that led to emigration of religious minorities from the area. It is interesting to note which immigrants Canada encouraged and why...

Of course, what students will usually fixate on with this cartoon is "Jack Canuck". They often only associate "Johnny Canuck" with the Vancouver Canucks hockey team, and don't realize it was based on a caricature of the stereotypical Canadian.

Many of the cartoons that I use in class were taken from this book by Charles Hou (former Socials 10 teacher in BC):

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